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Homepage » Goods » Urban Addict Barcelona

Urban Addict Barcelona

Model: t-shirts
Keywords: tshirts
Price: od 29.00 EUR do 56.00 EUR
New freshly squeezed brand dedicated to all urban addicts hanging out around the globe who enjoy culture, art, fashion expressed through the ultimate item: THE T-SHIRT www.urbanaddict.net

Precise description of the good

Sabetrend SL URBAN ADDICT engages in the manufacture, wholesale, and retail of urban garments and accessories for men, women and kids. T-shirts, Tops, etc.

Sabetrend sells its products under the Urban Addict brand.

The UA concept was born to reflect the charm of every metropolitan city. It was created in 2005 and based in Barcelona, our first urban addict spot.

UA itself expresses fashion and design, and intends to reflect the history and culture of urban centers.

The city's lifestyle is the source of our inspiration, which brings along… art, people, architecture. every city has its own spirit, wherever you come from you can live it and enjoy it, make it yours, find something special in it.

UA has been created by a young team of entrepreneurs, each one from here and there, who tries to transmit enthusiasm doing what we love most, which is to live wildly the diversity of every city we dwell in.

Photos of the good

Contact to the supplier

Company name: SABETREND S.L. - Spain
E-mail Address: info@sabetrend.com
WWW web page: www.urbanaddict.net
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