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Homepage » Goods » 300 olive oil trees - Galega olives

300 olive oil trees - Galega olives

more than 100 years old
2.00 to 2.50 meters high
Lokated at Alentejo - Portugal

Precise description of the good

The trees are property of an industrial society dedicated to other activity, not alimentary.
These olive trees are dry land trees, do not requiring an irrigation system.
Pruning in made every 5 – 7 years depending of its production
Fertilizing is made once a year, in September, when the first rain appear.
The land must be plowed in the beginning of Autumn (with fertilizer) and in the beginning of Spring.
The maximum production per tree is 50 kg of olives per year. This set of trees can produce up to 15 TN of olives/year.
Trees are old and in dry land. Olives make a top quality olive oil

Photos of the good

Contact to the supplier

Company name: Global Trading Portuguese Best Delicacies - Portugal
E-mail Address: trading@resultadoglobal.pt
WWW web page: www.resultadoglobal.pt
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