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Homepage » Goods » Building Coating (kouratol brand) - paints & other building materials

Building Coating (kouratol brand) - paints & other building materials

Precise description of the good

We would like to introduce our brand ( kouratol) for paints & modern building materials is considered one of the leading individual companies in this field in Egypt .It was established in 1981 .Our products are manufactured according to the Egyptian and German standards.We produce Emulsion paints, Synthetic enamels, Industrial Paints.We also produce Water base and solvent base wood stains & wood varnishes. As well as putties ,primers and sealers which has very good weather resistance.
Our range of products also have Adhesives ,epoxy coatings, pigment paste for paints and inks and Finally detergents.

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Contact to the supplier

Company name: Platinum-group - Egypt
E-mail Address: info@platinum-group.net
WWW web page: www.platinum-group.net
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