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Homepage » Goods » Lavatories


The highest quality, modern design, extraordinary durability and pale-white shade of enamel are the characteristics, which gained Cersanit's bathroom ceramics the trust of clients on international markets.

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Contact to the supplier

Company name: Przedsiębiorstwo Handlu Zagranicznego "EUROTAXPOL" K. Pokrzykowski, M. Rachubka Sp. jawna - Poland
E-mail Address: m.naguszewski@wp.pl
WWW web page: eurotaxpol.eu
Telefon 1: + 48 58 732 02 12
Telefon 2: + 48 58 732 02 28
City: Gdańsk
Street: Kruczkowskiego 12
Postal code: 80-288 Gdańsk
Fax 1: + 48 58 732 02 13
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