Bathtubs and shower cabins
The range of sizes and shapes of Cersanit's bathtubs guarantees an easy choice and satisfaction. All the acrylic tubes stand out with their pale white, solid construction and high quality of all the elements. The offered sorts of tubes: rectangular, asymmetrical, oval, symmetrical with the additional option of hydro massage – guarantee satisfaction for every client.
Precise description of the good
Photos of the good
Contact to the supplier
Company name: Przedsiębiorstwo Handlu Zagranicznego "EUROTAXPOL" K. Pokrzykowski, M. Rachubka Sp. jawna - Poland
Telefon 1: + 48 58 732 02 12
Telefon 2: + 48 58 732 02 28
City: Gdańsk
Street: Kruczkowskiego 12
Postal code: 80-288 Gdańsk
Fax 1: + 48 58 732 02 13