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UE Wspólna Taryfa Celna 2019
EU Common Customs Tariff 2019
UE Tarif Douanier Commun 2019
EU Gemeinsamen Zolltarif 2019
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Halal Poultry Meat Can and Turkey Breast  [HS - Sekcja IV - Dział 16]
• Canned Sausages 6 pieces HALAL – 0,35 € / can • Canned Sausages 8 pieces HALAL – 0,47 € / can • Turkey 3,5 kg Halal – 4,45 € / Kg
300 olive oil trees - Galega olives  [HS - Sekcja II - Dział 06]
more than 100 years old 2.00 to 2.50 meters high Lokated at Alentejo - Portugal
Freeze - Dried Meals  [HS - Sekcja IV - Dział 21]
Products indispensables for the army, police, hospitals, prisons, schools and NGOs.
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