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UE Wspólna Taryfa Celna 2019
EU Common Customs Tariff 2019
UE Tarif Douanier Commun 2019
EU Gemeinsamen Zolltarif 2019
Cocktail glasses,shot glasses and goblet avaible in many colours,also fluo and glow in the dark  [HS - Sekcja XIII - Dział 70]
Cocktail glasses SPECIFICATIONS: - 100% Made In Italy - Produced exclusively with certified, high quality materials (evincible!) - Dishwasher resistant even at high temperatures - Easy to handle with a high thermal insulation rating - The opaque surface makes them scratch and impact-resistant - Capacity 35cc at the rim - Material:Polipropilene Shot SPECIFICATIONS: - 100% Made In Italy - Produced exclusively with certified, high quality materials (evincible!) - Dishwasher resistant even at high temperatures - Easy to handle with a high thermal insulation rating - The opaque surface makes them scratch and impact-resistant - Capacity 6cc at the rim - Material:Polipropilene Goblet SPECIFICATIONS: - 100% Made In Italy - Produced exclusively with certified, high quality materials (evincible!) - Dishwasher resistant even at high temperatures - Easy to handle with a high thermal insulation rating - The opaque surface makes them scratch and impact-resistant - Capacity 45cc at the rim -Material:Polipropilene
Model: Colored,fluo and Glow in the dark
Keywords: cocktail_glasses_glow_fluo_fluorescent_colored_goblet